MAP MY RUN—IMAX isn’t just for Hollywood blockbusters anymore. A new breed of indoor cycling class is offering that same total immersion experience. From that larger-than-life screen to incredible surround sound, IMAXShift is bringing that...
MAP MY RUN—Whether you’re planning a winter ski trip, training to climb a mountain or looking to do a race at elevation, there are a few key things you need to know about how altitude...
TONIC/VICE—No matter how much fun you had last night, it’s time to put down the Pedialyte and pump some iron. Breaking a sweat that smells of ethanol may be the last thing you want to...
MY FITNESS PAL—You’ve probably felt your muscles shake at some point during a hard workout. At first, it can be alarming — you’re literally vibrating like a bell that’s ringing for you to halt whatever...
TEEN VOGUE—It’s not uncommon for siblings to share the family car, but it is extremely rare for two sisters to race a four-wheeled vehicle, hand-built by dad, at death-defying speeds (100+ mph) through the roughest...
MAPMYRUN—You don’t need to be a diehard triathlete to know that the Ironman World Championships in Kona is the ultimate testing ground for grit, endurance and perseverance. Only a select few — about 2,000 of...
SHAPE—Gwen Jorgensen is an Olympic gold medalist and one of the fastest women in the world’s triathlete circuit, but even the best athletes have their doubts about how a race day will end. Read the...
SHAPE—Meet the first American to win a gold in the Olympic triathlon…ever Read the full story on!...