SHAPE.COM—These fiercely fit females prove nothing’s sexier than a strong woman. Read the full story on!...
SHAPE.COM—For years, you’ve been told pronation—when your foot flattens and rolls inward as it lands on the ground—is the enemy. It can cause running injuries in your legs and hips, they said, which is why...
SHAPE.COM—In the Tour de France’s 100-year history, no pro woman rider has ever been allowed to officially participate in the world’s most famous super-elite men’s cycling event, which started back in 1903. Ladies, this is your chance...
SHAPE.COM—While it took me seven straight days of biking and camping to travel from San Francisco to L.A. in early June, you get to cover the whopping 545-mile distance in one minute and 20 seconds flat! Watch...
DETAILS MAGAZINE—This new exercise device will leave your muscles quivering and your body leaner, stronger, and fitter than ever. Read the full story here!...
SHAPE.COM—After the Gran Fondo fiasco two weeks ago, I’ve hardly biked, unless you count some minor commuting, two short and easy indoor sessions on my Cycleops trainer, and two 6.1-mile laps in Central Park with visiting superstars from the...
SHAPE.COM—What I think would make or break any long biking and camping trip. Read the full story on!...
SHAPE.COM— 30 great reasons why my two-wheeler may provide more pleasure than a man. Read the full story on! ...
SHAPE.COM—When it comes to training, just plain H2O ain’t gonna cut it. Read the full story on!...